Many sellers wait for spring to list their properties. They may believe good weather and sunshine may help them present their homes better.
Many sellers begin their online search in the winter, but then really start carving out time to SEE homes in April. They often see the impending school year, and hope to move at the end of the summer.
These are all good thoughts. The thing to remember is, they largely cancel out. There may be more listings, but there are also more buyers. This means that there may be more ACTIVITY, but not necessarily higher (or lower) prices. The MARKET moves a few % points each month in one direction or another. However, because each home, each buyer, each seller are different, the price of a particular home may not move in lockstep.
As a seller, if you're flexible on closing date, or are willing to go with a low down-payment first time buyer, you can get a higher price. If you are more concerned with certainty, you may need to accept less money.
As a buyer, the reverse is true. If you find out a buyer really wants to stay for a few extra months, and you live with your parents so you're in no rush, communicate that. If you have tons of $$$ but no time, make sure your bid and terms reflect that. You don't need to give away the store, of course, but don't be pennywise and pound foolish if you have a few extra bucks!
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